Friday, April 25, 2014

The things mentioned above,

The things mentioned above, the basis for why I am keen to uncover the "Content of Chemical Compounds in Plants Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) and Benefits GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA for Health". Based on the data I described above can be formulated as the following problem: how to cultivate melinjo; what content contained in melinjo; What melinjo for health benefits; and what melinjo processed. Research shows that melinjo contains several chemical compounds that are beneficial to the body, among other things: Antioxidants on melinjo equivalent of the antioxidant vitamin C. Antioxidants derived from the protein concentration is high enough to melinjo. Antioxidants are substances as the most potent free radical scavengers, cause cancer, and accelerate the aging process. In addition to the leaves of young melinjo there a good source of vitamin A, which serves as a cancer preventive and ease the process of childbirth. Melinjo can be processed into food and an export commodity in Indonesia. The results are processed melinjo melinjo, vegetable tamarind, ve, tea melinjo and others. Turns melinjo known bitter and trigger gout because the content purinnya, has many benefits such as increasing endurance, prevention of cancer, premature aging, accelerate the process of pregnancy and many more. Thus some of the content of chemical compounds found in plants melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) health benefits.
1.1. Background Calling melinjo, most people probably know him as a raw material chips with a distinctive bitter taste. Melinjo an annual plant seed in the open, tree-shaped married two. Melinjo but not wrapped meat wrapped outer skin. The trunk is sturdy and can be used as building material. Single leaves are oval shaped with blunt ends. Melinjo not produce flowers and fruits of true because not including flowering plants. Which is actually considered fruit seeds are encased by a layer of fleshy aril. Melinjo or in scientific language (Gnetum gnemon) is a species of plant seed in the open (gymnosperms) shaped tree from Tropical Asia, Melanesia, and Western Pacific. Melinjo also known by the name belinjo, melinjo (Javanese), Tangkil (Sundanese), Bago (Malay and Tagalog), or khalet (Cambodian language). Melinjo different from members of other Gnetum usually a liana. Melinjo widely planted in the garden as shade or limiting yard and mainly used the fruit and leaves. 1.2. Problem Formulation 1) How do I cultivate melinjo. 2) What is the content contained on melinjo. 3) What are the benefits for health melinjo. 4) What melinjo processed. 1.3. Data Collection Method The method used for collecting data relating to scientific papers are: 1) Study methods Librarianship Methods of data collection by collecting and analyzing multiple sources of literature related to the problem under study. 1.4. Systematics Writing CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION
1.1. Background
1.2. Problem Formulation
1.3. Methods of Data Collection
1.4. Systematics Writing CHAPTER II. A literature review 2.1. Plant Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) 2.1.1. Description Botany 2.1.2. Place of Life 2.1.3. Regional Deployment 2.1.4. Varieties Melinjo 2.2. Plant cultivation Melinjo 2.2.1. How to Plant a Tree Melinjo 2.2.2. How to Take Care Melinjo CHAPTER III. CONTENT
ABCBOLA.COM Agen Judi Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014  MELINJO (Gnetum gnemon) 3.1. Antioxidants 3.2. Purina 3.3. Alkaloids 3.4. Saponin

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