Thursday, March 20, 2014

21.biasanya palm setral pretty good way to connect

21.biasanya palm setral pretty good way to connect to the main road agarlebih easily reach the nearest factory , to adopt common security safeguards should be accomplished within the plantation and make PORTAL entrance and the gate - bias is also a crossroad , haltersebut to delay the theft of clusters .

22.untuk increase farm revenue and expand your efforts bisapula up ( SMEs ) palm oil mill when according to you are able to manage or possible, in line with the development of the present era has emerged (SMEs MINI ) in this case can be affordable by cluster / Koperasi / individual , which is lost revenue and production kuwalitas compared ( SMEs ) super .
So we can be britahukan for ways berkebunsawit , you may get a clueTo express tiori - theory can be secret we can not mention the implementation of a terinci.salam from me . ( Son of farmers palm groves )
BELOW THE FOLLOWING ANALYSIS ( mini SMEs ) may get insfirasi-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 . SMEs mini . BUSINESS RIGHT THIS MOMENT .· Factory palm (SMEs ) Mini is one of the alternative technologies to oil palm processing capacity of 0.5-1 tons FFB / hour . SMEs Mini specifically designed for the oil palm plantation with an area 160-300 ha . Mini SMEs are very easy to operate, just need the people 6 people / shift , using waste oil as fuel , and only requires 2,500 m2 land .· SME M -1000 consists of eight units of processing equipment , namely one unit boilers capable of producing 600 kg steam / h with a pressure of 3 kg / cm , two STERILISER , a thresher unit dengankapasitas TBS 1.000 kg / hour , one unit double screw press mini , a clarification tank unit with a capacity of 1,200 liters , an oil -bearing tank unit , a unit with a capacity of 200 kg deperikarper seed + fiber / hour , and a nut cracker unit with a capacity of 500 kg seed / hour .· The investment costs of SMEs M -1000 to Rp1 , 5 billion , the cost of processing the crude palm TBS oil (CPO ) is Rp368 , 23/kg TBS Rp3.150/kg CPO price assumption , the core Rp1.675/kg and the purchase price TBS Rp567 , 4/kg . MCC Mi -1000 is economically worthwhile economic parameters as follows: IRR = 24.78 %; B / C = 1.18; NPV = Rp708.305.000 ; payback period = 3 years.· Target expansion of SMEs M- 1000 is a group of oil palm smallholders Swadana , the plantations of small scale and medium scale farming efforts that TBS freight charges to SMEs over Rp75/kg TBS.· The gains palm farmers with the SME M- 1000 is a farmer 's easier to do marketing TBS , TBS produced price farmers become competitive until pendapatanpetani increases. Besides, Tandang empty palm (EFB ), a solid waste SMEs to benefit as organic matter .
Watering the seeds can be made up to 2 times a day ( morning and afternoon ) . Tehnik watering is done in such a way that the soil is wet polybag to the base. Play nusery an advanced level of preservation of seeds from Pre Nusery . The success of the plan of planting in the field as well as to its future production is highly dependent on the success of seedling growth in the nursery . Used poly bags measuring 40 x 50 cm with a thickness of around 0.5 mm . At around nursary , seeds removed leading to the airport turn age 9-12 months. Some of the main activities nursary include : Filling in polybag media using a mixture of top soil and manure . Pengajiran with the aim of determining the number of points his seed . Pengajiran on play nursary has a size of 90 x 90 x 90 cm, this will form an equilateral triangle. Transplant seedlings . After pengajiran , the seeds are placed at these points have been determined from pengajiran . Fostering . Applying fertilizer at play nursary using NPK fertilizer . While the terms of its applications typically around 9 g per 1 seed.
Such a short article on how easy the oil palm nursery . Use acquiring oil palm seedlings with high quality is important to consider the important factors that can be produced on a real contribution to the expansion of palm oil plantations. Hopefully useful
Vegetables are an excellent crop for the health of the body . But sometimes vegetables you buy at the market or supermarket is not healthy enough for you . It's good when you try to plant and cultivate healthy plants in your home .
Growing healthy vegetables or crops more profitable for you. You do not have to hesitate to eat vegetables because vegetables that are derived from the land owner you can choose sendiri.Anda diverse kinds of vegetables you like .Mustard Vegetable Crops For Choice
You can also choose the cultivated mustard as your crop option . It has two types of vegetables . You can grow vegetables or green cabbage . Tree planting has almost the same way .
If you prefer your cabbage crop , there are several things to note in the way of cultivation of the crop. We recommend that if you want to get a perfect result , it's best to pay attention to these things .It should be noted that
Here are tips on what should be observed in cabbage cultivation . One thing to note is that the climate. The climate will affect the growth of the crop.
The plant has a temperature hovers around 19 to 20 degrees Celsius. This herb should not be given excessive water to stagnate . Quality air humidity around 80 % could only just . In addition, good soil to plant this tree should be fertile soil .
We recommend that the mustard plant cultivate You also notice a great time . We encourage you to plant at the end of the rainy season. This plant is very susceptible when grown in the rainy season when attacked due to their disease or mites.
Now the land is good for breeding, such as land that can be affected by sunlight and close to a water source . Pick a flood -free land or no water stagnation.
In the nursery , it is best to choose the right seeds . Note the absence of things like wrinkles in the seed , not the mites or catch a disease and should not be mixed seeds by seed other types.
How to plant mustard must also consider how the application of fertilizer . Fertilizing should be done when creating the Embankment . Crops very well when given compost or enclosures . Cultivating cabbage can also be mixed with inorganic fertilizer and dissolved in water .Benefits of Growing Mustard White

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